Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

Insurance news: Anthem, AAUG, and a new study: Which states are the happiest?

Legal Newsline reports that the Connecticut attorney general is unhappy with insurer Anthem and its contracts with local hospitals.

In Washington, D.C., former insurance commissioner Thomas Hampton's joined a local law firm.

Also in D.C., the health care debate rolls on: The NY Times reports on the difficulty of trying to merge the House and Senate bills.

In Florida, AAUG and affiliates were given a cease-and-desist order for allegedly selling unlicensed products there.

And here's a bonus round that admittedly has little to do with insurance: A new study ranked states by their residents' levels of happiness. Washington came in 36th. The happiest? Think Mardi Gras.

And the lowest? Well, we'll put it this way: You don't want to be in a New York state of mind.

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