Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Statement re: lawsuit over health care reform legislation

This is a statement put out Monday by Washington state Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler about Attorney General Rob McKenna's decision to join a multi-state lawsuit opposing parts of the new federal health reform legislation:

“I was deeply disappointed to hear that Attorney General McKenna plans to fight the federal health-reform legislation.
Washington is home to nearly 1 million people with no health coverage. The status quo is simply unsustainable, both financially and morally. Far too many families – through no fault of their own –are one diagnosis away from bankruptcy.
The battle over health care has been far too bitter and partisan. Personal mandates have been talked about over the years by both Democrats and Republicans, including the late Sen. John Chafee, R-R.I., who proposed an individual mandate in 1993.
It’s my hope that we come together as a state to enact reform, rather than let families continue to suffer while lawyers battle in the courts.”

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