Senin, 12 April 2010

Washington ranks 35th in cost of auto insurance

According to a newly released study by, Louisiana has the highest average auto insurance rates in the country and Maine has the least expensive. The data determined average auto rates for more than 2,400 2010 autos from six large carriers across 10 zipcodes in each state.

What's behind the rates? According to, the varying laws in each state are partly to blame as is the state' population. From today's New York Times:

According to, states’ different laws are partly to blame. “Our findings show that the financial ramifications of specific state laws and regulations are driving high rates in certain states,” Amy Danise, senior managing editor of, said in a statement. “No matter how good your own driving record is, you’re paying for the decisions of lawmakers.”

Washington state came in between Nevada and Utah. See the full report here.

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