Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

Obama to speak at National Insurance Commissioners Association meeting Tuesday in Seattle

President Obama will address the National Association of Insurance Commissioners at the group's summer meeting in Seattle on Tuesday, according to the White House.

Obama's topic -- and the topic of much of the six-day meeting -- will be health care reform and how the new law is being implemented. State insurance commissioners are on the front lines of implementation, trying to set up federally funded high-risk health insurance pools, overseeing insurer rate requests, preparing for health insurance exchanges, etc.

Health care was also very much the topic last September, when Vice President Joe Biden addressed the NAIC in Maryland. From that speech:
You're the people that our people look to. So I want to thank you for being here at this moment. I want to thank you for your organization's profession of support for the need to make health care more affordable, accessible, and engage in reform, because you are the most influential people in our states to deal with this.

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