Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009

News re: Green River flood threat update

The Associated Press reports that work to strengthen a reservoir wall has reduced the threat of catastrophic flooding in the Green River Valley this winter from an earlier estimate of 1 in 3 to about 1 in 4.

Also: the Washington Military Department's Emergency Management Division, meanwhile, has put up several flood-related pages, which they're updating frequently.
-A main page with a map of the area
-An extensive page with background on flooding and flood insurance
-A very good page with "myths and facts about the National Flood Insurance Program." (For example, it's NOT true that the program won't cover anything in a basement. NFIP insurance will cover many things down there, such as furnaces, water heaters, sump pumps, stairways, some drywall, cleanup, and washers and dryers among other things.
-and a page and links to home-protection info, including sandbagging and how to protect a home from sewer system backups during a flood.

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